À propos de l’avortement par médicaments

Update on medical abortion, 2020 (cfp-ma)
Bancsi A & Grindrod K; Canadian Family Physician
Early abortion options, 2022 (rhap-abortion-options)
Reproductive Health Access Project
Accessing Abortion in Canada, (wellness-within)
Wellness Within

Trouver des prestataires d'avortement par médicaments

Find medication abortion services portal, (find-services)
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
List of abortion clinics, (arcc-abortion-clinics)
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
Choice Connect Abortion Referral App, (choice-connect)

Guides pour gérer l’avortement par médicaments à domicile

What to expect when ending a pregnancy at home; 2023 (cpha-what-to-expect)
Canadian Pharmacists Association & The CART Access Project
What to expect during a medical abortion, 2017 (ppo-what-to-expect)
Planned Parenthood Ottawa and the SHORE Centre
Medical abortion instruction, 2017 (ppo-ma-instruction)
Planned Parenthood Ottawa and the SHORE Centre
Mifegymiso medication guide (medication-guide)

Lignes d'écoute pour le soutien émotionnel

Exhale, a talk-line that provides emotional support, resources and information after abortion, (exhale)
All-Options, a talk-line to discuss past or current experience with abortion, adoption and parenting for people in Canada and the United States (1-888-493-0092) (all-options).

Boîtes à outils pour répondre aux préoccupations liées à l'avortement

Debunking medication abortion myths, 2023 (cpha-debunking-myth)
Canadian Pharmacists Association & The CART Access Project
The Abortion options: A value clarification guide for health care professionals, 2005 (naf-value-clarification)
National Abortion Federation
Integrating early abortion services into primary care, 2019 (rhap-abortion)
Reproductive Health Access Project
Value clarification workshop, 2022 (rhap-workshop)
Reproductive Health Access Project

Boîtes à outils pour soutenir les communautés mal desservies

A Handbook for Healthcare Providers Working with Clients from Diverse Communities, 2019 (action-canada-handbook)
Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
The Indigenous Ally Toolkit, 2018 (ally-toolkit)
Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network